Revue d'économie régionale et urbaine (5/2020)
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Le cumul des lois ESS (2014) et NOTRe (2015) a considérablement modifié le mécanisme de production des politiques territoriales en matière d’économie sociale et solidaire (ESS). En créant une conférence régionale de l’ESS bisannuelle, le législateur a mis en place un espace d’expression qui ouvre la possibilité à une co-construction des politiques publiques du champ. Dans le même temps, malgré une demande de dispositifs participatifs, les parties prenantes éprouvent des difficultés à s’impliquer dans ce type de processus. Cette contribution confronte le dispositif mis en place par les lois ESS et NOTRe à une grille interprétative du concept de co-construction. Elle analyse ensuite la conférence de l’ESS 2016 Nouvelle-Aquitaine, qui se revendique co-construite.
Between 2014 and 2017, the legislative framework for the design of regional public policies has significantly evolved. In particular, the redefinition of the scope of regions’ competences has affected the social and solidarity economy (SSE). These changes are taking place in a particular environment. Indeed, the recent ESS law requires regions to establish a plural space of expression between SSE and political stakeholders: the SSE regional conferences. This biannual mechanism has a double specificity:(1) on the one hand, it can be co-constructed by the legislator; (2) on the other hand, its conclusions must be taken into account in the drafting of the SRDE2I, a prescriptive document describing regional public policies. These political events take place in a particular social context. At the same time, despite an inquiry for participatory mechanisms, SSE stakeholders find it difficult to become involved in this type of process. This contribution confronts the mechanism set up by the SSE and NOTre laws with an interpretative grid of the concept of co-construction. Based on this inputs, it then analyses the SSE 2016 Nouvelle-Aquitaine conference, which claims to be co-constructed. Furthermore, the contribution notes an effort from a various numbers of stakeholders (political and civil society actors) towards more co-construction, and the emergence of a perfectible but undeniably participatory process. However, asymmetries of information make this common construction imperceptible to a large number of stakeholders, who do not feel they have had a real impact on the process.