Langages n° 170 (2/2008)
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In spite of its decrease in the modern context, the proverb remains part of a common sense which is not reduced to a background of language, but belongs to a whole of techniques of speech. Within the framework of a theory of the semantic forms, we propose a model of the figurale genericity of proverbs, deploying a variety of “motifs” to various stages of integration. We see in particular that a trans-discursive level emerges from koinè semantic, where the dimensions of sensibility and doxa are brought together in common sense. The following points are specifically approached: anarchistic diversity of formular interpretations, fluctuation of the lexical values, rock of gnomic/deontic, logical and proverbial realism. One underlines the nonconsensual character of the community of meaning, the need for reconsidering the problem of modalities, and, at least, the scientific interest of a concept of “micro-genre” for the discursive approach of common sense.