Langue française n° 159 (3/2008)
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The aim of this paper is to study comme in the structure “Nindefinite comme P”: un/un de ces exemple(s) comme on en trouve partout. The first part of the paper deals with the description of the co-textual parameters (determiners of N, lexical type of N, adjuncts of N, function of NP in the matrix, lexical type of V in P, determiners of V, adverbials, anaphora of N in P). The second part of the paper is devoted to the syntactic and semantic analysis of comme, in terms of an underlying schema which highlights the relationship between this particular use of comme and its other comparative. It is proposed that comme (together with the determiners of N) characterizes N as a “type” – hence the possibility of paraphrasing the structure in terms of tel que or, in some cases, of a relative clause; with comme, the property underlying the type always remains unspecified: it is a pure “modus essendi” (manner of being).