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Les clusters sont progressivement devenus une tendance politique territoriale de plus en plus répandue dans le monde entier. Dans ce contexte, leur importance a été associée au concept de spécialisation intelligente, un modèle de développement territorial axé sur l’efficience et l’efficacité des systèmes économiques. Néanmoins, la révision sur le terrain des conceptions politiques actuelles semble indiquer que la combinaison des deux approches est plus théorique que réelle, ce qui aboutit à des pratiques isolées, éloignées d’une approche politique territoriale intégrée et des synergies qu’elle peut générer. L’objectif de cet article est donc double : tout d’abord passer en revue les éléments communs des débats actuels sur les clusters et la politique de spécialisation intelligente, et ensuite proposer les implications potentielles d’une approche RIS3 prenant en compte les clusters, et inversement, en tant que proposition préliminaire pour une politique territoriale intégrée.
Territories are facing an uncertain and complex context, characterized by globalization and economic, social and environmental challenges. In this context, clusters have become progressively a spreading territorial policy trend all around the world. Besides, recently the importance of clusters has been mixed with the concept of smart specialisation, a territorial development model focused on the efficiency and effectiveness of economic systems. Nevertheless, the revision of current policy designs on the field seems to point out that the combination of both approaches is more theoretical than real, resulting in isolated practices far away from an integrated territorial policy approach and the synergies it may generate. Therefore, the aim of this article is twofold: first, to review the common elements from both cluster and smart specialisation policy debates nowadays and, second, to propose potential implications of new RIS3 strategies regarding clusters, and vice versa, as a very preliminary proposal for an integrated territorial policy. The paper includes a first state of the art on clusters and cluster initiatives policies considering mainstream theories that have influenced and determined current cluster policy developments. At this point, some basic elements about the smart specialisation model as well as related regional strategies (RIS3) are analysed, with a focus on the core elements that are shared with current cluster and cluster policy approaches. Finally, the paper includes a general framework aiming to facilitate the combination of cluster initiatives with smart specialisation territorial strategies, as well as some conclusions on the challenges that policymakers will encounter when dealing with the cluster and smart specialisation mix.