Annales de géographie n° 709-710 (3-4/2016)
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L’objet de cet article est d’interroger le rôle de la fiction comme moteur et témoin de la mutation territoriale de l’ouest du Montana, au coeur aujourd’hui d’une dynamique migratoire renouvelée. Les personnages du cow-boy, du pêcheur à la mouche et de l’Amenity rancher constituent les figures emblématiques d’une identité en plein bouleversement, d’un Ouest de la conquête à un Ouest du refuge dans la nature sauvage. Or, si la fiction nourrit des représentations attractives à l’origine de migrations d’agrément, elle met en scène, en retour, ces nouvelles dynamiques et les entérine en fabriquant de nouveaux personnages archétypaux : la fiction enregistre ainsi – et pérennise – la mutation qu’elle a participé à susciter, tout autant qu’elle en est la catharsis.
This paper explores how fiction plays an important role in the sweeping change taking place inWestern Montana, as a driving force and as a record of these trends. In fact amenity-rich regions of Western Montana have experienced significant growth over the recent decades, mainly due to the "get back to nature" movement. This article aims to highlight how this growth is nourished by new representations of the West as a place to escape to, mainly drawn by fiction (literature, cinema). This picture of Western Montana can be considered as a renewed identity, carried by new characters. If the Lonesome cowboy represented the West as a Frontier to conquest, now the Fly fisherman and the Amenity rancher embody that NewWest : these fictional characters shape appealing representations underlying amenity migrations, but in turn, show in the fiction the new dynamics that they help to create. What is the contribution of fiction in the sweeping change occurring in Western Montana ? And how does fiction bring onto the stage new characters who instigate as well as endorse these dynamics typical of the New West ?