L'Information géographique (4/2017)
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Dans le contexte du Mercosur, et d’une croissance significative du trafic de passagers et de marchandises sur le Corridor Andin Mendoza-Santiago du Chili, Uspallata, seule ville de ce tronçon de la route Panaméricaine), connaît une augmentation notable de sa population. Une grande proportion de cette croissance est migratoire, et participe à la construction d’une nouvelle identité. Le but de ce travail est donc d’analyser les composants subjectifs et objectifs dans la dialectique entre l’espace et la société, les actions quotidiennes des sujets, et la relation formes-sens.
In the context of MERCOSUR, a significant increase in passengers and freight traffic on the Andean axis from Mendoza (Argentina) to Santiago (Chile) has been observed including the small city of Uspallata. This city on this stretch of the Pan-American Highway, is experiencing a significant increase in its development especially with touristic settlements. A large proportion of its population growth is related to these flows, and contributes to set up a new local identity. The aim of this work is to analyze the subjective and objective components of this change in the ongoing dialectic between space and society, the strategies of actors, and the relationship between forms and meaning.