Annales historiques de la Révolution française nº 381 (3/2015)
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The authors, who are editors of the Archives Parlementaires (First series), present the eventful history of this collection which was founded 150 years ago. At a time when scanning large documentary collections has become commonplace, they highlight the highly diversified "phases" through which the compilation of this source has passed. Its editors, initially librarians or civil servants from the Chamber of Deputies, and later historians of the French Revolution, were first and foremost concerned about the uniformity of the series. It is also a question of showing how the "backbone" of this construction, the assembly minutes, are of dubious reliability after Thermidor Year II. Analysis of the post-Thermidorian record until the turning point of Brumaire-Frimaire Year III, is marked by the exceptionality of the trial of the representative Carrier. It thus poses a real epistemological problem, as a result of its political construction ... that was unmistakably partisan.